January is thirty-one days long, but somehow it always seems
longer. Probably because the holiday
decorations come down, and there is nothing to distract us from the shortened
daylight hours, the cold winter weather, and the fact that government filings,
whether they be corporate or individual, are due momentarily. But, maybe because the month seems longer
than normal, we are fooled into getting more things done. No, this is not the start of a metaphysical
discussion on the properties of time, but merely a lead-in to say that Mosaic
kept busy during January!
l to r: Mary Susan, Nina, Samara, Morgiana, Kendra |
l to r: Kendra, Morgiana, Samara, Mary Susan, Nina |
The month began with a pro-bono performance at Cedarbrook
Nursing Home in Allentown, PA. As a
not-for-profit public benefit organization (sic. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public
charity), Mosaic’s mission underscores the importance of the greater good. So, on select occasions, the Company will
present a program at no charge, as part of our outreach goals for the ADA
(Americans with Disabilities Act), for “causes” we feel strongly about. So, off we went to the Lehigh Valley on a
clear and dry January 4. Cedarbrook, a
Lehigh County-run organization is quite large, so there was the added benefit
of an auditorium with a stage. Mosaic
presented an hour-long travelogue of dance and story for the residents of the
complex and their guests, performing favorites from the repertory representing Egypt,
Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey and Oman. An
interactive music lesson and Q&A brought a personal touch to the afternoon. (Photos from Dance of the Awallim by Bob Greenwald.)
One week later, the whirlwind conference of the touring
show-biz world opened at the New York Hilton – APAP Conference 2013, which ran
from January 11-15. APAP is the
Association of Performing Arts Presenters, and its membership is open to many
categories within the performing arts world.
Mosaic falls into the “Artist” slot.
This was an exciting year for our attendance at the conference, as
Mosaic was to be a first-time exhibitor in the Expo Hall. (A photo of our booth shown here.) It’s a unique experience. And Mosaic
attendees (Morgiana Celeste Varricchio and Bob Greenwald) took advantage of as
many professional development sessions, artist showcases, and general
conference activities as possible. To
sum up the experience, Mosaic established its own presence, connected with
individuals who knew of us, and attracted the interest of those who were
looking for what we offer. Very
positive, I’d say! Let’s go, Conference
On January 24, (and we are thankful that once again the
January sun smiled on us) we braved the pre-dawn deep freeze and departed NYC
at 5:30 AM for Blue Bell, PA, for a 9:00 AM performance of Caravan to Cairo, our school assembly program, part of the Young
Audiences of NJ & Southeastern PA (YANJ/PA). Mosaic has been on YANJ/PA’s roster since
2008, and performing for school children is always rewarding – most especially during
the Q&A. Questions ranging from “I
liked your show very much!” to “Where do you all come from?” to “Why do you
dance?” keep us on our toes. With arts
courses being cut from normal school studies to keep school budgets manageable,
YANJ/PA works hand-in-hand with educators to make sure that the mandate for
arts programs is met with value and quality.
A great start to a brand new year!
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